Monday, June 17, 2013

Deer stencil pinch pot

     Stenciling is an awesome way to decorate ceramics.  For this pinch pot, I cut out a deer stencil from regular printer paper.  I just moistened it slightly so it would stick to the bottom of the pot, then painted over it with "espresso" colored slip.  After it was bisque fired I covered it in a coat of clear glaze so the lighter brown is the natural color of the clay.

Project 4/50 2013

For trade or sale Claimed

Friday, June 14, 2013

Dancing teapot

The fourth installment in my image journal.  This pot reminds me of the dancing dishes in Beauty and the Beast.

Project 10/50

Thursday, June 13, 2013

First finished bowls

 In a recent post, I showed you my first wheel thrown bowls.Here are the finished products all trimmed, glazed and purdy!  None too shabby for my first go round.

For trade or sale

Sunday, June 9, 2013


The Flash is visiting me for the summer from Texas.  My little visitor is going to get spoiled with all the VIP treatment he keeps getting.  Last night we had all access passes at the House of Blues for the Darren Criss show.

Hangin' out with Tyler and Darren on the tour bus.
Amanda's friend gave us VIP passes to the Book of Mormon. 5th row!

Comp tickets to the White Sox game

Free admission to the Picasso Exhibit with my art class

Access to the special collections (Including the hissing cockroach petting zoo) in the Field Museum, thanks to Casey
It's been an eventful summer so far, and that's just the beginning!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Ceramic Leaf

This image journal is based on a project I found on  Check out Cari's other great leaf pieces here.

Project 9/50

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Throwback Thursday - Deathnote cross stitch

"L" is a character in the anime Deathnote.  This cross stich took me 80 hours to complete!

In progress pic
For trade or sale

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

WooHoo! Wheel time!

I was so excited to start working on the throwing wheel.  I always wanted one of those little plastic ones for Christmas when I was a kid.  My first cylinders on the wheel aren't perfect, but I am quite pleased I was able to even pull it off at all without my clay flying across the room.

Untrimmed greenware thrown vessels

I'll post the pictures of these glazed when I get them off my camera.

Projects 7&8/50

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tree trunk vessels - Stiff slabs

There were several requirements I had to keep in mind when making my stiff slab projects.
1. It had to be a set of 3
2. It had to be at least 12" x 5" in any direction
3. It had to have 5 or more sides, but not including the top and bottom.

Cutting anlges with no precise measuring tools is hard! 

Original plan=oil diffuser teepees with one stump to hold extras

I decided to make tree stump vessels to hold kitchen utensils, etc. that looked like three different kinds of trees.

Project 6/50
For trade or sale