Crayon melting art is super easy and a fun. There are a few things I want to share with you that I’ve learned while doing this.
I start out by sketching out an idea on paper and choosing where I want the colors. Then I lightly sketch an outline on the canvas so I can get my proportions correct the first time. You can’t get the wax off once its on so the only way to correct is to put a different color wax over it. Pencil will show through a thin layer of a light colored crayon so sketch softly.
Set your canvas or work surface at around a 45° angle to get the drip affect. An easel is nice but a can of beans will do the trick too.
Insert the crayons pointed side first. The trigger may not work all the time because the crayon isn’t an exact fit, so you have to push with your thumb sometimes. Pushing the pointy end hurts.
Now the fun part! Start putting random drips on your canvas. There are different techniques you can use. The most common one I used on both the phoenix and the peacock was just simply putting the gun at one point and letting the wax drip down by itself. You can also “draw” with the gun, which is good if you need to outline, like I did on the body of the peacock.
Fill in as much or as little as you want and you're done! I'm debating if I want to use acrylics to paint a background on this or leave it blank but the crayon part is finished.
There are some important things to remember. Your melted crayon art is still basically just crayons. They have a low melting temperature, so don’t put your art where it will be subject to heat. I know I’ve had crayon casualties in the car on a summer day. Also, crayons are breakable and in their melted form are even more fragile. If your work surface is canvas or something flexible, the wax can crack or fall off when its moved. You may want to put a sturdy back on it to make it stable. Also if your painting rubs against something, yup, you just made new crayon art on that too.